Net Transport allows user to use multiple proxies. Why need it? The "Road Map" of the Internet is very complex. Packets can reach their destination in many different ways, and some routes are much faster than the others. User cannot specify the route for packets directly, but can control it by using different proxies. With very distant and slow servers switching to another proxy download may dramatically improve performance.

Some sites only allow one connection per IP, Net Transport is able to use different proxies for each connection, thought which user can break this restriction to promote performance.

Proxy List

Show proxies details. Click columns "Title", "Host", "Port", "Type" and "Elapse" to reorder. Also user can click "Move Up" or "Move Down" on the toolbar to reorder.


Add a new proxy server to proxy list.


Edit the selected proxy settings.


Delete the selected proxy from list.

Invert Selection

Turn the selected items into unselected state and the unselected items into selected state.


Open external URL list text file.


Save checked items to text file.


Check whether being validated proxy is available or not to add or remove.


Save all the changes. Only clicking "Apply", the changed proxies are available.

Proxy Settings


Proxy server full name.

Host & Port

Proxy server host and port. Normally port is decided by its server type, 3128, 8080 are used by HTTPS, 1080 is used by SOCKS4&5.


Both HTTP<CONNECT> and  SOCKS4&5 support resuming very well, though which user can traverse firewall, and proxy is safe for others do not see your IP.


Fill login information if server requires user to be identified.


Use NTLM authentication instead of BASIC. This needs server support, Microsoft ISA 2000 is known to support this type of authentication.

No Cache

Some proxy servers like WinGate store browsed data into its cache. When someone requests access to that data later, the proxy server will retrieve the data straight from the quicker cache instead of getting it from its original location. Check this option to tell Net Transport to use cache or not.


Check whether being validated proxy is available or not to add or remove. Note, the test result will not be shown in proxy list.



Destination server connected by to be tested proxy. Generally, this site should be steady, like Microsoft.


Show log information in order to know whether being tested proxy is faster or slower.



Since "Host", "Port" and "Type" are not optional, user only need select "Username", "Password" and "Title". Check to import/export.


Reorder items.


A sign partitions items, normally is ":"(colon). For instance, Note, '@' in front of "TYPE" is fixed, you needn't change it.


Next step.